SEO Files and Metadata

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SEO Files and Metadata

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About SEO Files and Metadata

Leverage curated file and metadata templates to optimize and scale your digital marketing projects. Produce accessible, complete, consistent metadata to increase the velocity of your content creation.

2 Lessons

Text lesson

Payment Required Lesson 1 Overview

Learn to digitally manage your business and use best practice file naming conventions to enable your digital marketing and transformation projects to increase velocity.

Text lesson

Payment Required Lesson 2 Manage Files

Find your project files quickly with simple naming conventions. Empower your team to work independently.

2 Lessons

Text lesson

Payment Required Manage Product Codes

Product codes enable the daily tracking and maintenance of a company's or shop's inventory and catalogue, for both offline and online channels. At its most basic, product coding is about using a unique sequence of numbers to identify a specific product and differentiate it from others. In subsequent courses we cover how service companies are using product codes attract more visitors and make it easier to scale.

Text lesson

Payment Required Manage Campaign Codes

Campaigns are content created and syndicated to drive customer behavior. Campaigns are the efforts made, usually over a predefined time period, to advertise or sell something. A campaign code tracks a campaign's results hierarchically - allowing your to draw deep insight to your campaigns performance - return on ad spend (ROAS). Now you can see what advertising is working.

About the Teacher

Anthony Sarno

Mr. Sarno is a “Go to Market” advisor for CEOs.
He has led “C” level executives in over 40 companies to identify their strategic differentiation to stand out in crowded markets, extend the value of commoditized products and launch new categories. Clients on average increased revenue by 16% and reduced costs by 33%.

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